Single Parenting Tweens and Teens Wellness and Self Care

A Single Mom’s Guide to Thriving this Summer

Summer is here! School is out. Ice cream trucks’ bells are ringing. Kids are screaming. And moms are panicking…

As single moms, we eagerly await the arrival of summer, envisioning the joy and magic it can bring. However, the reality of juggling work, parenting, and the constant pressure to create unforgettable experiences can be overwhelming. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, the summer months pose a significant shift in our routines, often accompanied by a surge of mom guilt.

While our day-to-day responsibilities may not change drastically, we still scramble to adapt our lives to accommodate the shorter but seemingly endless summer days. Our multitasking skills are put to the test (thank you, coffee, wine, and chocolate).

The truth is, a long, hot summer can feel exhausting if we don’t carve out time for ourselves and provide our children with meaningful activities. So why do we put so much pressure on ourselves?

The good news, fellow moms, is that summers evolve as our children grow. They become more independent, helping out around the house and looking out for each other. And as single parents, we learn a few tricks along the way, realizing that we can’t do it all—and that’s okay. We can’t be perfect, but we can find ways to thrive amid the summer whirlwind.

So, let’s set a new goal for this summer: let’s thrive, not just survive!

When we establish a sense of direction and prioritize our well-being, that energy will trickle down to our families. It creates an atmosphere of growth, joy, and cherished memories. While there will undoubtedly be moments of survival mode, there’s no need to feel trapped in it all summer long.

In this single mom’s guide, we’ll explore strategies to skip the summer insanity and embrace the season. While enjoying quality time with our kids. From managing expectations to creating summer practices, setting goals, and finding moments of relaxation, let’s uncover ways to make this summer an enjoyable experience for all.

Are you ready to thrive and savor the summer moments? Let’s dive into this guide and embark on a journey of growth and happiness for you and your family.

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Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Moms

Let’s kick things off by reminding ourselves not to fall into the comparison trap. As a single mom, your circumstances and challenges are unique. So, resist the temptation to compete and compare yourself to other moms. Instead, be honest with yourself about what you hope to achieve this summer and what works best for your family. Set realistic expectations and focus on your journey.

Relax Expectations

Summer is the season for flexible expectations, especially when you have tweens and teens. They may sleep in late, binge-watch their favorite shows, and leave a few items unchecked on their to-do lists. But that’s okay! Remember, you did the same during your summers at their age, and you turned out just fine. Embrace the relaxed vibe and let go of rigid expectations. It’s all part of the summer experience.

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Establish Summer Practices

While the summer schedule may be more flexible, it’s still essential to establish some fun and engaging activities with your kids. For instance, you can designate two nights a week as “family cooking nights,” where you all cook together. Create “walking hours” after dinner to take bike rides or strolls around the neighborhood. And don’t forget about “unplugged hours” when screens are off, and you bond over a card game. These practices can continue throughout the school year, fostering togetherness and shared experiences.

Summer Goals

As a single mom, you might sometimes feel like you’re just along for the ride during the summer. But it’s time to take the wheel and set goals as a family. Sit down together, discuss what you want to achieve, and write down the details.

  • Set goals as a group: What do you want to achieve together? Is it taking an extended family vacation or a day trip to a local destination? Whatever it is, write down the details and share them. And take steps toward achieving these goals by setting dates and planning activities together.
  • Set goals individually: Make sure everyone has something fun on their calendar too! Including you momma! This could mean scheduling a few activities with friends or setting up some alone time. It will help relieve stress while also building confidence. This will make this summer enjoyable for everyone involved.

Share Your Inner Child

Let your playful side shine and share activities that you enjoy with your children. Whether it’s playing a sport, painting, or building sandcastles at the beach, engage in something that brings out your inner child. It’s not only about having fun but also an opportunity to connect with your kids on a deeper level and create lasting memories. So, put work and school mode aside, and let loose!

Turn up the Music

What’s a summer without music? Create a playlist featuring your favorite songs from all the decades and turn up the volume when you’re together at home or in the car. Have a family dance party where everyone gets to choose their favorite songs and dance it out! You can also seek out free concerts in the park or local music venues, or even take your tweens or teens to their first live concert experience. Music has a way of bringing people together and creating fantastic memories.

Try Something New

Summer is the perfect time to embark on new adventures as a family. You don’t have to spend a fortune or travel far to find fun activities that will bring you all closer. Consider camping, hiking, or fishing trips with your kids. If outdoor adventures aren’t your thing, visit a local park, have a picnic, or learn to play frisbee golf. And if nature doesn’t tickle your fancy, explore new skills or crafts through video tutorials, or have a game night filled with laughter and friendly competition.


While summer can be busy, it’s crucial to prioritize rest and downtime for both you and your family. Take a nap or designate a specific downtime period every day when everyone can relax and recharge. It’s a small but significant practice that provides an opportunity for everyone to decompress and rejuvenate. Remember, relaxation is just as important!

Get Family and Friends Involved

Remember, you don’t have to go through the summer alone. Reach out to family and friends for support and assistance. Arrange days where you can swap kids with each other, giving everyone a break and a chance to pursue personal interests. Don’t hesitate to ask grandparents or other family members to spend time with the kids, allowing you to take a breather. Consider hosting a cookout or a bonfire with friends, where you can enjoy each other’s company and create beautiful memories together.

So Momma Embrace YOUR summer!

  • Be flexible and adaptable to the changing circumstances.
  • Be kind to yourself and your family, understanding that not everything has to be perfect.
  • Drop the expectations and instead focus on making this summer enjoyable for everyone involved.
  • Relish the good times and cherish the moments spent with your loved ones.

Remember time flies faster than that ice cream truck cruising down the street, and before you know it, your little munchkins will be all grown up. So let’s make this summer count and create memories that’ll make your kids say, “Remember that epic summer when mom rocked it?”

And if, by some wild chance, you still feel like you’re drowning in a sea of sunscreen and endless snack demands, take solace in the fact that those back-to-school posters are already plastered everywhere. Yep, the end is in sight, my friend. But let’s not wish away the sun-soaked days just yet!

Now, spill the beans! What are your secret tips for single moms to not just survive but thrive this summer? Share your wisdom in the comments below and let’s create a survival guide that would make Wonder Woman proud!

Oh, and if you’re on the lookout for some awesome activities to keep your tweens and teens entertained (and give you a few moments of peace), don’t miss our article on the Tween and Teen Summer Bucket List – 50 free and cheap things to do!

You’re rocking this single mom gig, and summer is your time to shine! Embrace the season, sprinkle in some laughter, and make memories that’ll have your family reminiscing for years to come. Cheers to an unforgettable summer, superhero mom!


Danielle is a single mother of two preteens and writes about single motherhood and reinvention after divorce in midlife. She is a freelance copywriter and Pinterest Manager for hire, specializing in original content for female entrepreneurs, creatives, and life coaches. She has a passion for helping other women promote their businesses online.

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