rainbow over rippling sea in nature

Are you a middle-aged woman juggling many responsibilities and obligations on top of trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance?

You don’t have the luxury of wasting time experimenting with ineffective life hacks, so I have done the research for you and compiled a list of the most efficient and effective life hacks that will help you save time, and energy, and enjoy your midlife.

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Table of Contents

What is Midlife and How Can Life Hacks Help

Midlife is a period of transition and change, as we move from one stage of life to another. It can be a challenging time for many people, especially women. But there are ways to make this transition easier, and life hacks are one of them.

Life hacks are simple tips and tricks that can help you manage your daily life more efficiently, giving you the freedom to focus on the things that really matter.

Try a great life hack!

Midlife is a time for reflection and growth. It’s the perfect time to challenge yourself to try something new and see how it goes. Doing something new every day, or at least trying to, can be a great midlife hack.

By taking on the challenge of doing something new every day or once a week, you can push yourself out of your comfort zone and gain valuable experiences that will help you grow as an individual. Each month, try a different activity or hobby that you’ve never done before and see how it goes. You may find that you enjoy it more than expected!

This midlife hack can help you explore your passions and discover new interests that may have been dormant in your life until now. Taking on this challenge can open up a world of possibilities for personal growth and development.

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Here are 25 simple tips to help make your life easier (and more fun) as a midlife woman:

The 10-minute tidy

Tidying up is something we all have to do, but it’s often put off until later. It’s not always easy to find the time or motivation to tidy up. But if you can make tidying part of your routine, it’ll be easier and more fun!

Here’s how:

  • Make a commitment to spend at least 10 minutes every day tidying up your space. This will help keep things organized and reduce stress levels in the long run because it will make things easier when it comes time for bigger cleanups like spring cleaning or after moving into new spaces (e.g. children moving into college dorm rooms)
  • Try doing a little bit every hour throughout the day if possible–that way there are no big chunks of time where nothing gets done!

Take up walking

In a world where we are constantly on the go, it’s easy to forget that walking can be a great way to get some exercise. Walking is easy, free, and something you can do anywhere–and at any time of day!

Taking a walk is an excellent way to get some fresh air and exercise while also allowing for social interaction with friends, family members, or even complete strangers. If this type of activity isn’t an option for you at the present moment, don’t worry; there are plenty of other benefits associated with walking alone. For example, it can be an ideal way to clear your head and practice mindfulness, reduce stress and improve both physical and mental health.

woman in gray coat walking with her pet dog

Have a clear out

The first step to decluttering is deciding what you want to get rid of.

This includes books, clothes, shoes, and knick-knacks that you no longer need or use. It can be difficult to decide what to keep and what to throw away, but it is important to make these choices in order to make your home feel more spacious and comfortable, especially if you have been living there for a long time. Decide what you need in order to live comfortably. Consequently, you should be mindful of getting rid of items that are redundant and take up precious space. Anything that is no longer useful should be discarded, as it will only add clutter to your life.

Give some of your clutter to charity

Once you’ve decided which things need to go, think about where they could go instead:

  • Donate them – many charities accept donations of clothes and household items (eBay does, too).
  • If something still has value, then sell it online; there are plenty of websites where people buy secondhand items.

Letting go of clutter is a great way to free up space for new adventures, whether that means inviting friends over more often, traveling more often yourself, or both.

Find a quick online workout

Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially as we get older. It can help reduce the risk of health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, as well as improve our mental well-being. For midlife women in particular, exercise can be an effective way to boost energy levels and improve mood.

  • Try a yoga video.
  • Try a Pilates video.
  • Try a HIIT workout.
  • Do kettlebells for strength training and cardio at the same time! If you don’t have any equipment, just use books or bottles of water as substitutes for weights; they’ll do the trick!

If you want to take your workout to the next level, consider jumping rope as an alternative to lifting weights. Jumping rope is an excellent way to quickly increase your heart rate and improve your cardiovascular health, which is especially important to focus on in midlife.

interior of living room with plaid on armchair

Make your home an oasis of calm

Creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere in your home is incredibly important for your emotional well-being. To make your home an oasis of calm, it is important to take the time to keep it tidy, organized and decluttered so that you will love being there and look forward to spending time there. It can also serve as an effective way to reduce stress levels after a long day.

Your home should be your sanctuary, a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A place where you can relax and unwind, or simply enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet without any distractions, such as phones or emails, that may take away from the tranquility that your home provides.

Try a few of these tips to create a sanctuary in your home:

  • Turn off the TV or computer and read a book.
  • Get creative and try some different artwork on your walls.
  • Put up shelves, use baskets for storage and decoration, or use plants as centerpieces for decoration.
  • Utilize natural lighting to illuminate your home by diffusing it through sheer curtains or windows for the best effect.
  • To cleanse your home of musty odors, open all the windows and clean from top to bottom using a multi-surface spray that quickly and easily removes dirt. This is a fresh way to clean, refresh, and remove odors from surfaces throughout the house.
  • You can also create a room deodorizer by cooking citrus fruit peels; the smell is an excellent choice for eliminating the odors of cleaners and freshening up your space.
Mrs. Meyer’s All-Purpose Cleaner Spray

Get a standing desk for work

A standing desk is a great way to get in some extra movement throughout the day, reducing the risk of obesity, diabetes, and other health problems associated with sitting all day.

You can make your own standing desk by attaching a piece of plywood or MDF to your existing desk with brackets. If you’re looking for a more professional look, there are plenty of ready-made options available.

SHW Memory Preset Electric Height Adjustable Standing Desk

Delegate tasks to free up your time

For midlife women struggling to balance work, family, and other commitments, delegating tasks can be an invaluable time management tool. We have struggled with this for far too long, and it’s time to be resourceful; it’s worth the money!

Outsourcing mundane or time-consuming tasks can help you to get more done in less time and focus your energy on the areas of life that are most important to you. This valuable resource can provide a sense of freedom and empower busy women to achieve greater success.

Find joy in the little things that make you happy

Finding joy in the little things that make you happy is one of the most important life hacks. It can help you stay positive and motivated, even in difficult times. The key to finding joy in everyday life is recognizing and appreciating the small things that bring us happiness. This could include enjoying a cup of coffee, taking a walk, or listening to your favorite music.

By focusing on these simple pleasures, we can find moments of joy even on our busiest days. These little things can make us smile and remind us why we are here – to enjoy life. With this life hack, we can learn how to appreciate the everyday joys of life and create more meaningful experiences for ourselves and others.

Unplug from technology and connect with nature

Technology has become an integral part of our lives. We are constantly connected to our devices, and it can be hard to take a break from this constant connection. That’s why it is important to remember the importance of unplugging technology and connecting with nature.

Let’s take a break from technology and reconnect with the natural world around us. This could include going for a walk in nature, listening to the birds chirp, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air.

Unplugging from technology allows us to find peace and solace in nature, while also allowing us to appreciate its beauty. So, make sure you take some time away from your devices each day and enjoy the natural world around you!

Ditch your bad undies in midlife

Buy some new underwear that fits you well and feels comfortable; you’ll be surprised at how much better this will make you feel! The right undergarments can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself, especially during midlife. Make sure you have a few pairs of panties that fit well and are comfortable, as well as some bras that fit properly so that you don’t have to worry about them slipping off or causing chafing during exercise or other activities.

Natori Women’s Bliss Perfection

If possible, opt for colorful underwear to add some brightness to your wardrobe! You can also choose styles like boyshorts or bikini briefs if they better fit your personal taste than traditional briefs (or granny panties).

Natori Women’s Bliss French Cut

Make your bed every day

Making your bed every morning is a simple task that can be completed in less than five minutes. Doing so will not only make you feel good, but it will also improve the appearance of your bedroom. Ultimately, making your bed is one less thing to worry about when life gets busy!

Making the bed also sets a good example for your kids, who may be more likely to follow suit if they see Mom doing this simple chore regularly. Finally, making the bed will help keep everyone happy: guests staying with you or visiting from out of town will feel more comfortable when they see the tidiness, and perhaps even learn something new!

Show gratitude

Keep a special notepad and pen near your bedside table. Spend a few minutes journaling two states of mind; letting go of the negativity and embracing what you are most grateful for that day. The benefits of gratitude journaling include lower stress levels, a greater sense of calm, and a whole new level of clarity.

You’ll learn more about yourself and gain a fresh perspective that allows you to recognize blessings in disguise. As you continue the practice, you’ll be able to focus your time and energy on the things that truly make you the happiest version of yourself.

Find a way to start your day full of energy

Find a way to start your day full of energy, whatever that may mean.

Exercise is an obvious choice, but it’s not the only one. You could also:

  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Drink plenty of water when you wake up to start your day feeling refreshed and energized.
  • Meditating for five minutes every morning before work will make a huge difference!
  • If you prefer listening to music or reading books instead of exercising (or both), those are great options too.

Whatever diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices work best for your individual body type and life circumstances will help you stay energized, healthy, and strong through the various changes that come with midlife. It is important to recognize that individual needs vary widely, and to make decisions based on what works best for you.

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Pack up tomorrow’s lunch the night before.

Packing your lunch the night before is a great way to ensure you don’t rush around in the morning, and it also helps you avoid eating unhealthy food during your commute.

Weitars Women Lunch Bag

The next time you make a batch of brownies or cookies, freeze half of them so that they’ll be ready to go in the morning. You can even use these as treats when your friends come over!

Order a healthy option online before you leave for work and have it delivered to your office in the morning. That way, when you arrive, the food will already be waiting for you!

Learn something new

It is never too late to learn something new. If there is a skill you’ve always wanted to master, go for it. This reinforces the first tip I shared, but it goes further than that. By learning new things, you are developing yourself both personally and mentally.

And of course, you never know where your fresh knowledge can take you. For example, if you feel like you aren’t in pace with technology, you can start your own website or blog.

New things will give you a fuller life and a new purpose. Once you’re done with one goal, move to the next one.

Minimize negative self-talk

Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason, while other self-talk may arise from misconceptions due to a lack of information. Try to set aside a day free from complaints, regrets, bickering, and comparisons. The brain has a negativity bias; by training the mind, we can break the habit of dwelling on the negative.

Approaching unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way can help with stress management and even improve one’s health. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself. If a negative thought enters your mind, evaluate it rationally and respond with affirmations of your positive qualities. Think about the things you are thankful for in your life.


Most of us carry burdens for years, even decades. Do you have people you have been mad at for too long? Very often, we can’t even remember why a relationship broke off, why we lost a great friend, or why we became angry with someone.

If you want to relieve yourself of the burden and stress, you need to learn to forgive and forget. Make a list of the people you have been mad at and forgive them. Even if you no longer want them in your life, forgive them in your mind.

Do one thing at a time

No multitasking (hint, hint, to those who text and drive).

One of the most important life hacks for midlife women is to do one thing at a time. No multitasking.

This can be difficult for many people, especially women, as we are often good at multitasking and juggling multiple tasks at once. However, in reality, multitasking makes us less efficient and more stressed than if we tackled each task separately and in order.

If you want to get more done during your day, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention!

Try dancing when you need to feel more energetic or in control of your life

Or just because it’s fun. And you can’t do it wrong! See here for more on that topic.

  • Dancing is fun! It can be done anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.
  • Dancing is a great way to get some exercise while having fun.
  • Whether alone or with others, dancing can help you feel more positive about life in general. So, get your J-Lo on! Try this mood-boosting, low-impact dance party workout.

Stop worrying about things that are outside of your control (especially if they’re things you can’t change)

It will only make you miserable, and family and friends will steer clear of you if they think they’ll have to listen to another rant about them.

  • Focus on the things you can control.
  • Don’t worry about things outside of your control.
  • Don’t worry about what other people do, unless it directly impacts your life or well-being in a negative way, and even then, only if it truly bothers you.
  • Don’t worry about the past – it’s over! Let it go and move forward with a clean slate and fresh perspective on life. The past isn’t going anywhere, nor are the mistakes or successes from yesterday.
  • Just keep striving towards better days ahead instead of dwelling on them forever.

Don’t worry too much about the future either; life is full of surprises and unexpected twists and turns that we never could have imagined when we were younger, but which now make perfect sense given our experiences up until this point in time.

Improve your sleep routine

Get strict with your sleep routine. From 7 p.m. onwards, regulate your activities to help you get to bed by 10 p.m. Rewarding your body with 7-9 hours of sleep is the best way to improve your well-being. According to researchers from Harvard Medical School, a good night’s sleep can make us feel ready to take on the world. It plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital processes. Check out this post for a great nightly routine.

young woman sleeping in comfy bed

Help others

It’s never too late or too much when it comes to helping others. No matter how generous you have been in your life, middle age should not be a reason to stop being generous. The more you contribute to someone else’s life, the better you will feel about yourself. It is the great things you do that keep you young and happy.

Smile as often as you can

Smiling is an incredibly powerful tool and can have amazing effects on both people around you and yourself. Did you know that smiling has even been proven to be beneficial to your health? Smiling can give your mood a boost, create feelings of happiness, and make us all feel more connected to one another. So don’t forget to take every opportunity to let out a smile!

a woman in white long sleeve shirt smiling

Don’t make excuses for other people’s bad behavior

If it is not right, it is not right.

We often make excuses for other people’s bad behavior, but this should not be the case. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, which is perfectly fine. However, if someone’s behavior is wrong or harmful to others, then it is important to recognize this and take appropriate action.

It is important to set clear boundaries and be assertive in defending your own values and beliefs. Knowing what is important to you and standing up for it is key to understanding yourself better and living a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Life can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be.

If we are willing to try new things and open ourselves up to new experiences, we will find that life gets easier and more enjoyable. No special skills or talents are necessary; all that is required is an open mind and a willingness to experiment!

Unlock the secrets of making midlife manageable and enjoyable with our 25 easy life hacks.

Get ready to tackle day-to-day tasks with ease and joy!

What hack will you start today? Please share below.

Want to simplify your midlife routine and enjoy life more? Head to our free resource library for midlife printables, including helpful goal-setting worksheets and inspirational quotes.


  1. These are great tips. The 10 minute tidy is something I try to do each day. Getting out in nature also helps me mentally.

    1. Thank you for commenting! Getting out in nature, even if just a walk in the neighborhood. Taking in fresh air for 10-20 minutes definitely keeps me grounded.

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Danielle is a single mother of two preteens and writes about single motherhood and reinvention after divorce in midlife. She is a freelance copywriter and Pinterest Manager for hire, specializing in original content for female entrepreneurs, creatives, and life coaches. She has a passion for helping other women promote their businesses online.

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