ALL POSTS BY: Danielle

Danielle is a single mother of two preteens and writes about single motherhood and reinvention after divorce in midlife. She is a freelance copywriter and Pinterest Manager for hire, specializing in original content for female entrepreneurs, creatives, and life coaches. She has a passion for helping other women promote their businesses online.

Showing: 61 - 62 of 62 RESULTS
Single Parenting Tweens and Teens Wellness and Self Care

A Single Mom’s Guide to Thriving this Summer

Summer is here! School is out. Ice cream trucks’ bells are ringing. Kids are screaming. And moms are panicking… As single moms, we eagerly await …

a group of women doing a toast
Positive Mindset in Midlife Reinvention in Midlife

Midlife Revelations:40 Important Things I Learned When I Turned 40

Unlocking the Power of Midlife: Reflections, Regrets, and Resilience at 43 Have you ever taken a moment to think about what you’ve accomplished in life …