bunch of carnations in decorative flowerpot

Show your love and appreciation this Valentine’s Day!

Finding the perfect Valentine’s Day gift ideas for a single mom can be difficult. It should show that you understand and appreciate her hard work and dedication to her family, as well as provide her with something enjoyable and memorable.

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Why Single Moms Need Special Attention on Valentine’s Day

As much as we may wish to ignore Valentine’s Day sometimes, the abundance of pink hearts, red roses, and dark chocolates in store aisles make that nearly impossible. For single moms, Valentine’s Day can be quite a letdown. On this day, hard-working single mothers often feel forgotten or neglected and need special attention.

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Show the single mom in your life a little extra love this Valentine’s Day. Let her know that she doesn’t have to be part of a couple to feel appreciated or loved! From spa days to personalized items, there are plenty of Valentine’s Day gift ideas to make single moms feel loved and appreciated this season.

Here are some of the best Valentine’s Day gift ideas to show them just how much they mean to you.

Top 10 Valentine’s Gifts Ideas for Busy Single Moms to Show That They Are Loved and Appreciated:

1. A note of encouragement

Everyone can use a little encouragement, especially on days that make being single feel lonely and unappreciated. Show love with a card or note that celebrates your friend and mother. Leave it on her door or send it via snail mail for a pleasant surprise.

2. A home-cooked meal in lieu of a traditional gift

Showing your appreciation for your single mom and the family by cooking a home-cooked meal is an incredibly kind and thoughtful gesture, and it will surely bring a smile to her face. Not only does it show that you care, but it’s also a great way to spend quality time together while bonding over delicious food.

3. A bouquet of flowers

When she’s frazzled or feeling low, nothing says “I appreciate you” like an extravagant bouquet of flowers! If the budget allows, get some advice on how to make this present extra special by including unique flowers that are in season or having them hand-delivered.

4. A spa day

A single mom would be incredibly thankful for this gift this Valentine’s Day, and she will fondly remember it for a long time. Don’t forget to offer to babysit so she can enjoy a spa day of pampering all to herself! Single moms work hard to provide for and take care of their children; single parenting is a tough job. Give the single mom you know a much-needed break with a day at the spa.

5. Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate

When all else fails, buy her candy! After all, it is Valentine’s Day, and few people wouldn’t enjoy a box of beautiful chocolates on this special occasion. Grab a couple to deliver and attach a cute phrase. Your single mom friends will be grateful.

6. A new outfit

If the single mother in your life is the type to always buy gifts for others but never for herself, then you need to get her something cute that she wouldn’t splurge on. A new outfit is always a great gift! It’s thoughtful, and unique, and makes a single mom feel like she’s living in expensive designer clothes without spending any money.

7. Clean

As a single mother has to do countless tasks around the house, so give her a break on Valentine’s Day. Do the dishes, vacuum the floors, and even dust for her. She will appreciate this more than any material item. It may be a good idea to enlist help and hire a professional house cleaner for her to lighten the load.

8. A mom-to-mom date

A mom-to-mom date is an excellent way to show a single mom that she is not alone and that you are there for her. It’s also a great opportunity to spend quality time together! Single moms have the chance to relax and take a break from their other responsibilities, allowing them to enjoy themselves, be themselves, and feel appreciated. Whether it’s a spa day, lunch, or a wine (coffee) date, it’s an easy way to show her that you’re thinking of her.

9. Mommy & me gift for two

A great Valentine’s Day gift idea for your single mom would be something that involves both her and her child. This could be tickets to a movie, an amusement park, or even a day at the local children’s museum. Any parent’s first priority is always their children, so a gift that is for both of them will always be appreciated.

10. Something handmade with love

Anything homemade or handmade is sure to be a hit with someone who values their time. Think soaps, body scrubs, candies, etc. If you’re into jewelry or have special talents in knitting, put your skills to use and make something nice to give her. She will appreciate the time and effort you spent thinking of her.

This collection of Valentine’s Day gift ideas for single moms is designed to show them that they are loved, appreciated, and respected, while also bringing a smile to their faces throughout the year.

Looking for ideas to share Valentine’s Day with your children read Single Moms: Valentine’s Day Date Night Ideas with Your Children

What is your favorite Valentine’s Day gift idea for the single mom in your life? Share below.

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  1. Love these ideas – but especially the homemade meal. Having somebody make something delicious to eat – at home – is just a big treat. While you relax and take it easy for a change!

  2. Fabulous list of single mom Valentine’s Day gift ideas. I will send this along to friends who deserve all the best this holiday!

    1. Yes, absolutely ALL hard-working moms do!

  3. This is such a lovely list. I love the mum date one. A great excuse to get together!

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Danielle is a single mother of two preteens and writes about single motherhood and reinvention after divorce in midlife. She is a freelance copywriter and Pinterest Manager for hire, specializing in original content for female entrepreneurs, creatives, and life coaches. She has a passion for helping other women promote their businesses online.

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