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The Complete Guide to Drive Traffic to Your Blog with Pinterest

Are you looking for ways to drive more traffic to your blog?

If so, Pinterest may be the answer.

Pinterest is a visual social media platform that can be used to drive traffic to your new website or blog.

In this guide, we will discuss the best strategies for growing your blog traffic using Pinterest. We will also provide tips for creating an attractive profile and boards, getting your pins found on Pinterest, and generating outbound clicks on Pinterest.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

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What kind of content and ideas can be found on Pinterest?

First, it is important to note that Pinterest is a search engine, not just a social media platform. People come to Pinterest looking for inspiration and ideas, often related to their hobbies or interests. This means that pins on Pinterest can range from recipes, DIY projects, fashion and beauty tips, home decor ideas, travel destinations, and more.

Don't get caught plagiarizing

The Uniqueness of Pinterest

One key difference between Pinterest and other social media platforms is that pins on Pinterest have a much longer lifespan. While posts on Facebook or Instagram may only be seen by followers in a short window of time, pins on Pinterest can continue to drive traffic to your blog for weeks or even months after being pinned.

Another important aspect of Pinterest is that it is a platform focused on discovery, rather than engagement. While likes and comments can increase the reach of a pin, Pinterest’s algorithm values pins that lead to saves and clicks. This means that pins with high-quality images and descriptions, leading to outbound clicks to your blog or website, will perform better on Pinterest.

Pinterest has pretty great reasons of interest for bloggers

Here are a few of the more interesting ones:

  • 25% of social media marketers are using Pinterest (that’s not a lot)
  • 80% of US mothers who use the internet use Pinterest.
  • 89% of users are on Pinterest for purchase inspiration
  • 34% of Pinterest users earn between $50,000 and $74,999 per year.
  • 72% of users are between ages 30 and 64.

Source: Omnicoreagency (check this link for the most updated information).

How do I create a successful profile and boards?

In order to drive traffic to your website, this means that users go to Pinterest to search for specific ideas and content. Therefore, it is important to optimize your pins with keywords so they can be easily discovered on the platform. Some popular categories on Pinterest include:



-food and drink


-home decorative


One way to optimize your profile is to have a clear profile picture and bio that accurately represents your brand or blog. You also want to create boards that are visually appealing and organized, with titles and descriptions that include relevant keywords.

How do I get my pins found on Pinterest?

In addition to optimizing your profile and boards, you can also optimize your pins by including keywords in the pin titles and descriptions. You can also join group boards related to your niche, as this will expand the reach of your pins.

Getting Started on Pinterest

One of the first steps in driving traffic to your blog with Pinterest is to make sure that your profile and boards are attractive to potential followers.

Growing Your Audience Through Your Attractive Profile & Boards

Take the time to create a unique profile image and cover photo that represents your brand. Your profile photo and description should accurately represent you or your brand, making it clear to viewers what kind of content they can expect from you. You can also include a link to your blog or website in your profile description.

Creating boards that are visually appealing and organized will not only attract followers but will also make it easier for others to find and repin your content. Make sure to give your boards clear and descriptive titles, as well as include keywords related to the types of pins you will be posting.

When creating your boards, focus on including keywords in the titles and choose board covers that stand out. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your board themes as well – think outside of the box and come up with unique ideas that will attract your target audience.

Getting Your Pins Found On Pinterest

So, now that your profile and boards are set up, how do you get your pins found on Pinterest? The first step is to make sure that your pins have high-quality images and descriptions. Including keywords in your pin descriptions can help them show up in Pinterest searches.

You can also join and take part in group boards related to your niche to expand the reach of your pins. And don’t forget about pinning regularly, as well as repinning content from others in your niche to keep your profile active.

Generating Outbound Clicks On Pinterest

In addition to increasing the visibility of your pins, it is also important to focus on generating outbound clicks. This can be achieved by creating high-quality pins that lead to valuable content on your blog or website.

Make sure that your pin images are visually appealing and catch the attention of viewers. Your pin descriptions should entice viewers to click through to your blog, and you can also include a call to action in your description.

Next, make sure your pins are getting found on Pinterest by including keywords in the pin titles and descriptions, but this isn’t a place for hashtags. It’s also important to ensure that your pins link back to relevant content on your blog or website.

Finally, generate outbound clicks on Pinterest by creating high-quality pins with clear calls to action. Drive followers to your blog or website by including a link in the pin description and encouraging them to click through to read more. Additionally, participate in group boards and collaborate with other bloggers or businesses in your industry to reach a wider audience.

What are the guidelines for Pinterest in 2023?

  • Correctly Keyword Pins & Profile
  • Easy to Understand Pin Graphics
  • Pins Added to Correct Boards
  • Consistent Pinning
  • Fresh Pins – Static and Idea Pins

Correctly Keyword Pins & Profile

One of the biggest changes in Pinterest’s 2022 guidelines was the emphasis on correctly using keywords in both pin titles and descriptions, as well as your profile information. This means doing thorough research to find relevant keywords that match what your target audience may be searching for and incorporating them naturally into your pin titles and descriptions. It also includes adding keywords to your profile information, such as your name, website, and bio.

Easy to Understand Pin Graphics

In addition to correctly using keywords, Pinterest’s 2022 guidelines also suggest that pins have easily understandable graphics. This means avoiding overly complicated graphics or design elements that may confuse viewers and instead focusing on creating visually appealing and clear pins.

Pins Added to Correct Boards

Another update in Pinterest’s 2022 guidelines is the importance of adding pins to the correct boards. This means doing thorough research on what boards are most relevant to your pin’s content, as well as making sure that the board covers and descriptions accurately represent the type of content that will be pinned to them.

Consistent Pinning

The 2022 guidelines also suggest consistently pinning new content. This means regularly adding new pins to your boards and sharing content from your own website or blog, as well as other relevant sources.

Fresh Pins – Static AND Idea Pins

Lastly, Pinterest’s 2022 guidelines emphasize the importance of having a mix of both static and idea pins on your profile. Static pins link directly to a specific web page, such as a blog post or product page. Standard pins help drive traffic directly to your blog. Idea pins, on the other hand, are pins that provide inspiration or information but do not link to a specific web page. They are great for driving visibility and growing your audience. By having both types of pins on your profile, you can attract, engage, and convert a wider audience.

Concise Your Pinterest Strategy

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to Pinterest’s success. I wish there was. But if you go through everything I’ve outlined here, which is essentially a method, you will achieve Pinterest success.

It all comes down to:

-Creating a Pinterest profile that is tailored to your target demographic and incorporates your desired keywords.

-Use keywords in as many places as possible, including pins, boards, board descriptions, profile name, etc.

-If you want to increase your website traffic, create pins that will stand out to your target audience and evoke emotions.

-Make sure to include fresh pins with new images- the Pinterest algorithm currently favors these types of pins, and your audience is likely to as well!


-Writing high-quality blog entries that provide value to your readers is essential.

-You can increase your productivity on Pinterest by utilizing a scheduler like Tailwind to automate some of the work. By pinning 10-15 pins per day, you will free up time to focus on other tasks. Taking stock of what’s going well and what isn’t.

Evaluate and Monitor

Always being aware of your progress is crucial to ensure you’re still on the right track. By checking in regularly, you can avoid any future shocks and always stay ahead of the competition. But it’s easy to get stuck here; because we didn’t receive as much traffic one day, we think that means we need to change everything immediately.

Just remember to make small changes where necessary instead of overhauling your entire strategy. Step back and use a particular strategy for a couple of weeks. Repin old blog posts with new pins to direct more traffic their way, experiment with the number of pins you are pinning each day or come up with fresh pin descriptions. Gradually introduce changes so you don’t get overwhelmed.

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Tips for using Pinterest to extend your blogging reach

You can now see that it’s easy to grow your blog traffic with Pinterest. It’s a powerful way to get the content you create in front of the people who you want to read it.

To successfully increase blog traffic with a Pinterest marketing strategy:

  1. Gain an interested audience that follows you.
  2. Optimize your pins with the right keywords.
  3. Create click-worthy headlines for beautiful pins.

This free download contains a checklist of ways to optimize your Pinterest account from the start, including creating an amazing profile, picking out great boards, making strategic pin choices, and more!

By following these tips, you can drive traffic to your blog using Pinterest in 2023 and beyond. Happy pinning!

What is your biggest challenge with Pinterest?

Which advice did you find the most useful for your Pinterest marketing strategy?


Danielle is a single mother of two preteens and writes about single motherhood and reinvention after divorce in midlife. She is a freelance copywriter and Pinterest Manager for hire, specializing in original content for female entrepreneurs, creatives, and life coaches. She has a passion for helping other women promote their businesses online.

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