Are you a mom who dreams of starting her own blog?

Get ready to take your blog to new heights with some insider tips from our guest blogger, Margaret Bourne.

I met Margaret through one of my favorite Facebook groups for bloggers, The Blog It Better Society. She’s an all-around blog guru who’s helped many bloggers turn their passion into a thriving online business. Margaret’s dedication to empowering bloggers is sincerely encouraging. I’m stoked to have her share some of her expertise with us today.

No matter if you’re a beginner blogger or a seasoned pro, Margaret’s expert tips and tricks are sure to give you the insights you need to take your blog to the next level.

Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on what she has to offer!

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Top 5 Reasons to Start A Mom Blog

You’ve been thinking about it for some time, wondering if you can do it. You’ve got so many ideas and tips you’d love to share with other moms. There are so many great reasons to start a mom blog, and by the end of this post, you’ll be ready to get going! 

Yes, you will have to learn new skills and invest in certain tools, but the benefits will outweigh the time, energy and money spent. 

How do I know? 

I’m a blogger and blog coach, and I see the benefits of starting a blog all the time. 

If you’re still not sure, I hope these five reasons for starting a mom blog get you excited! 

You’ve Got Parenting Tips To Share With Others

The number one reason to start a mom blog is to share the wealth of knowledge and experience you have about parenting with others. 

A huge audience is out there, eagerly looking for solutions to managing your preteen’s screen time, helping our kids navigate the ups and downs of adolescence, or supporting their academic pursuits. 

Starting a blog gives you a platform where you can share your solutions to the common problems parents have when it comes to raising kids. 

Remember, you can also have a mom blog that focuses on self-care and personal growth for moms because let’s face it, we need that too!

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You’ve Got Time To Start A Blog Business

If you’re a mom to children that go to daycare or school, and you’re a stay-at-home mom, there’s quite a bit of time available to you to start a blogging business. 

For those working full-time jobs, what do you do when your kids go to sleep? Instead of watching TV, blogging is a more fruitful activity. You may start out blogging as a hobby, but soon you’ll find ways to make money blogging

You’re Passionate About Being A Mom

If you love the topic of motherhood and everything that it entails, you will be a great blogger. 

Especially if you see yourself loving this topic for a long time. 

Starting a blog and making it successful takes time, so you need to LOVE the blog niche you’ve chosen. 

When you’re passionate about a subject you’re more likely to be: 

  • Knowledgeable about the subject matter
  • Eager to share information about it with others
  • Keep going and not give up (this happens with businesses as well!)

You don’t want to start a mom blog, get it going and then give up when the passion for the topic fizzles out. 

You’ve Got The Skills Needed To Blog Well

Another of the top reasons to start a mom blog is that you’ve got the skills to write blog posts and content that will resonate with the key audience: other moms. 

Writing is only one skill, but others such as simple design skills with Canva or Tailwind, or easily adapting to using new software can come in handy. 

Marketing, promotion, content generation and analysis will be useful skills! 

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It’s Good For Your Mental Health

When you become a parent, motherhood takes over your life. Yes, you still may have a partner or spouse in your life to talk to, but some, including single moms, find it hard when there is nobody to listen to their thoughts. 

Blogging and sharing your ideas with a broader community helps you keep connected with others who are going through the same issues. 

In many cases, when you start a mom blog, you may find yourself with a new set of online friends who will be there for you when things get tough. 

And so, starting a mom blog is very good for your mental health. Writing your stories and your experiences can be cathartic. 

So What’s Next For Starting A Mom Blog?

Now you know the reasons to start a mom blog are: 

  • It’s a good way to share parenting tips with others
  • It’s a fantastic way to make money
  • It’s a way to express your passion for the topic of parenting or motherhood
  • It’s a way to leverage your existing skills
  • It’s a great way to deal with your mental health

But what are the next steps for starting a mom blog?

  • Determining your niche: is it general parenting, motherhood, or something related to the field?
  • Choosing your blog name
  • Figuring out whether you’ll be going self-hosted with a WordPress blog or use a different platform
  • Determining who is your key audience and how you’ll brand your blog

After that, there are many more things that come into play, but these are the initial first steps (I don’t want to overwhelm you!). 

Your journey to becoming a mom blogger will be an exciting one!

QUESTION: What do you think is holding you back from starting a mom blog? 

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About Margaret Bourne

Margaret Bourne is a blog coach, content creator and experienced marketing and public relations professional. She helps aspiring bloggers transform their blogs into successful online businesses. Founder of Suburban Tourist, a lifestyle blog, she enjoys sharing not only blogging tips but also inspirational lifestyle stories. Follow her at


  1. As a new blogger, I found your post very inspiring. Your ideas about using a blog as a creative outlet, sharing experiences with other moms, and building a community are all very compelling. I appreciate the practical advice you provided about getting started and growing an audience, as I’m still figuring out the ropes of blogging myself. Thank you for the helpful insights and encouragement to further my own blog.

    1. Hi Kristen! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and leave such a kind comment. As a fellow blogger, I understand the challenges of figuring out the ropes, but I truly believe that blogging can be a wonderful creative outlet and a great way to connect with others. I wish you all the best on your own blogging journey and hope to see your blog thrive and grow! Thanks again for your support and encouragement.

  2. Mom Blog is a phenomena nowadays. These are good reasons to become a mom blogger. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Fadima for your comment! Mom blogging is popular nowadays for a good reason – it’s an excellent way for moms to connect, share experiences, and offer advice. I appreciate your support and well wishes as I continue to grow and thrive in the mom blogging community.

  3. Awesome and inspiring. Mental health is one of the big reasons I started my blog. It has definitely helped me in many different ways. Finding myself outside of being “just a mom” is a big part.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I’m glad to hear that Margaret’s post was inspiring and resonated with you. Mental health is such an important topic, and I think it’s great that you’ve started your own blog to address it. It’s wonderful that your blog has helped you in many different ways, including finding yourself outside of being “just a mom.” It’s important for us to take care of ourselves and prioritize our mental health, especially as moms who often have so many responsibilities. Keep up the great work on your blog!

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Danielle is a single mother of two preteens and writes about single motherhood and reinvention after divorce in midlife. She is a freelance copywriter and Pinterest Manager for hire, specializing in original content for female entrepreneurs, creatives, and life coaches. She has a passion for helping other women promote their businesses online.

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